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Our Loudest telephone - The Amplipower 50

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Home Solutions

Conversation Amplifiers

Conversation Amplifiers

An amplified telephone is great for boosting the volume of your phone calls, but what if you're having trouble hearing someone right in front of you? Our Conversation Amplifiers include personal amplification devices that can be taken with you anywhere, allowing you to increase the volume of face-to-face conversations in your daily life.

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Daily Living

Daily Living

At AmplifiedTelephones.co.uk we strive to make your life as easy as possible. Our broad range of Aids for Daily Living, ranging from easy-to-use keyboards and TV remotes, to extra loud alarms clocks and baby monitors, is here to complement our collection of amplified telephones, and make sure your days are struggle free.

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Doorbells for the Hard of Hearing

Doorbells for the Hard of Hearing

Being hard of hearing can turn even the most ordinary tasks into a struggle. If you're having difficulties hearing the doorbell ring, we have just the solution for you. Our range of Doorbells for the Hard of Hearing includes products that have been designed specially to help you take back control over your front door.

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Hearing Assistants

Hearing Assistants

Our Hearing Assistants offer an excellent alternative to traditional hearing aids. If you're having difficulties hearing conversations, the radio, or your favourite TV programme, a personal sound amplifier could be the right solution for you. These easy-to-use devices allow you to discreetly and efficiently turn up the volume of everything around you.

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Home Safety

Home Safety

While the odds of something going wrong in your home are small, you're under much greater risk if you're hard of hearing or visually impaired. Our Home Safety products include carbon monoxide detectors, emergency alarms, fire and smoke detectors that might end up saving your life.

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Low Vision Aids

Low Vision Aids

Our Low Vision Aids are designed to make daily life more accessible for the visually impaired and those with macular degeneration. Including electronic and analogue magnifiers, these products can help the user read all sorts of text both at home and on the go.

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Tinnitus Aids

Tinnitus Aids

Not only can tinnitus become irritating, but it can also hinder the quality of your life. While there is no cure for tinnitus, our Tinnitus Aids can help you relax and ease the symptoms in a simple, drug-free way.

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TV Listeners

TV Listeners

If you're struggling to hear your favourite TV programmes, there are other options than turning up the volume to full blast. Our TV Listeners allow you to adjust the volume of the TV set to meet your needs, without disturbing those around you.

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