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Introducing Doro: For a Smarter Generation

1 January 2025

If you’re searching for an amplified phone but aren’t sure where to begin, then be sure to read the helpful brand focus blogs on Amplified Telephones. Here we concentrate on a brand at a time, exploring some of the benefits to help you decide if it’s the best choice for you.

Today we’re looking at Doro, a leading manufacturer of amplified phones selling a wide range of useful devices for the hard of hearing.

One area in which the Doro brand particularly stands out is mobile phones. Whilst other popular amplified telephone brands, like Geemarc, tend to focus on landline units in their range, offering one or two mobile devices, there’s a much wider selection available from Doro. For this reason, if it’s specifically an amplified mobile phone that you’re after then we’d definitely suggest checking out Doro’s full range. 

We’ve just scratched the surface of what Doro has to offer – check out the full range for yourself here at Amplified Telephones.