How Loud Should My Amplified Phone Be?1 January 2025 | Eugene Navigating around our website, you'll probably notice that all of our amplified phones list their volume rating in decibels. This is useful if you know exactly what you're looking for – but what if you don't? In this article, we'll break down what our decibel rating systems really mean, and tell you the phone receiver volume you should be looking for. How Loud Is an Amplified Phone?Volume levels and decibels can be more complicated than you think. A volume rating in decibels is difficult to standardise, as it depends on the distance from which the measurement is taken, making it nearly impossible to compare a phone pressed up to your ear with a sound coming from a speaker across the room. To take the guesswork out of the process, we've created our own measurement scale to make it as easy as possible to compare our phones. Our phones are all marked with one of three symbols relating to their volume, as can be seen below: What Do These Symbols Mean?The three symbols above correspond to our three main volume categories, which are each suitable for a different level of hearing loss: Green (1.5 - 3 times louder than standard phones) - For Mild Hearing Loss: These phones are on the lower end of the amplified phone spectrum, but are still louder than most phones. Orange / Yellow (3 - 8 times louder than standard phones) - For Moderate Hearing Loss: This is where phones start to get seriously loud. Red (9 - 32 times louder than standard phones) - For Severe Hearing Loss: These are phones for the severely hearing impaired and deaf, featuring huge receiver volumes. Which Phone Do I Need?While we've tried to make it as simple as possible, it can still be a bit of a pain to figure out which amplified telephone is right for you. To make your selection a little easier, we've picked out a great option from each volume category, and added a little more context as to who should use each. For Mild Hearing Loss - If you sometimes miss words in a conversation
For Moderate Hearing Loss - If you often need entire phrases repeated
For Severe Hearing Loss - If you can hardly hear your phone conversations at all
Hear Every Word with the Right Amplified TelephoneWhen the perfect amplified telephone is here for the taking, why continue struggling to hear your conversations? Stay connected with your loved ones and hear every word with a phone that's perfectly matched to your needs. If you need a bit more help with you product selection, you can get in touch with our Customer Care Team by phone at 020 7501 1101, or via email at |