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Best Smartphones for Impaired Hearing 2025

1 January 2025  |  Eugene

Just because you suffer from hearing loss doesn’t mean that you should be excluded from the smartphone world! While most new smartphones are made with relatively quiet receivers and fiddly touchscreens, there are options made for clarity, ease of use and accessibility to bring smartphone convenience to just about anyone. At AmplifiedTelephones, we're experts on all sorts of loud and accessible mobile phones, and we've selected a couple of our favourites as our Best Smartphones for Impaired Hearing.

Our Best Smartphone for the Hearing Impaired

Why It's Our Favourite

  • Louder than a standard smartphone for the hard of hearing
  • Unique case lets it function as a simplified phone when closed
  • Ideal first smartphone with user-friendly navigation

Our Most Advanced Smartphone for the Hard of Hearing

Doro 8100 Amplified Smartphone Mobile Phone for Seniors

Doro 8100 Amplified Smartphone Mobile Phone for Seniors

  • Amplified smartphone designed for simplicity
  • Ideal for the elderly or those unfamiliar with smartphones
  • Features an extra-loud earpiece volume of 35dB (6x louder than standard phone)
  • Built-in emergency button alerts top contact and sends them your location
£191.99+ FREE UK deliveryMore Info
Available now

Why It Gets the #2 Rank

  • Bright and vivid display with extra-loud receiver
  • All the latest features including three rear cameras for the best photos
  • Slightly more complicated than the Emporia S5

What Makes a Good Hard of Hearing Smartphone?

First and foremost, a smartphone for the hard of hearing means a loud, clear receiver. This means that the call volume is much louder than on a standard phone, making it easier for you to hear what’s being said and making sound clearer. Tone control and hearing aid compatibility add to this clarity; fantastic for individuals with high or low frequency hearing loss, enabling you to adjust the tone of the sound to match your hearing.

That being said, our favourite mobile phones and smartphones for impaired hearing aren't all about volume. Our picks below also take into account ease of use and accessibility, making them perfect first smartphones for someone looking to bring their mobile phone use into the modern era!

If you haven't found what you're looking for in this article, please feel free to browse some of our most popular categories:

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Do you have a question, or something to add about your experiences with amplified mobile phones? Feel free to leave us a message in the comments section below!